
Renee Luther, MS

As the Math Curriculum Manager, Renee Luther brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the P2C Product Design & Development Team. Renee has been instrumental in numerous projects related to innovative career-connected learning, instructional design, academic engagement, educational mentoring & coaching, and professional learning. She supports product development with her vast knowledge of mathematics and STEM education and teaching. Renee earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from St. Olaf College, Minnesota. She completed a Master of Science in Secondary Education and Teaching from Winona State University, Minnesota.

During her 20-year career teaching mathematics to students in grades six through twelve, Renee’s objective was always to enrich the lives of students. She dedicated herself to supporting learning in both traditional and innovative ways, combining lecture, collaboration, and technology into her lessons, while building trust and respect in her classroom. Renee’s experience teaching all levels of secondary mathematics makes her an expert in her field as well as in the art of teaching. At NS4ed, she is driven to provide those tools to other passionate teachers so that they may foster the same love of learning and math.

Hubs of Inquiry: Mathematics Education & Curriculum Design; Early College Initiatives; STEM Education; Math Content Development; Innovative Career-Connected Learning; Access & Equity; Academic Engagement; Digital Teaching.