Relevance and Destination

Key components to a robust, career-connected home school program.

Making Math Education Relevant

P2C Math addresses the timeless question of “when will I ever need to know this in the real world?

By demonstrating more than 250 valuable careers associated with each course, students can witness how math is applicable to their future employment opportunities, resulting in a purposeful learning experience.

p2c math

Actively engages students by showing how math is directly applied in various professional fields.

Click the image to view a P2C Math Curriculum sample

career explorer logo
P2C Career Explorer takes a unique approach to career exploration. In addition to career tools, the guided curriculum introduces age-appropriate career readiness content available for any subject area. By helping students discover their strengths, we see powerful outcomes in their education.

Click the image to view the P2C Career Guide

Career Stories

Embedded within Application math lessons is a career story video featuring a professional whose position uses the concepts of the lesson in their job. These videos allow students to connect math with career journeys and serve as inspiration for their future paths.

Click a photo to learn about each individual’s path to their career.

electrician screenshot
Architecture and Construction
manufacturer screenshot
police screenshot
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security

Making Math Education Relevant

Financial literacy empowers financial independence in students.

P2C offers a stand-along course aligned to 7 standards providing solutions to round our comprehensive career readiness solution.

Click the image to view a sample P2C Financial Literacy Curriculum Table of Contents