National Career Cluster Changes Deferred

March 25, 2022 – News Update –

Early February 2022, Advance CTE led an initiative to shift from the current 16 career cluster framework to 12 clusters. However, after surveying and receiving meaningful feedback, it has been decided to “suspend” the proposed 12 clusters and changes. 

According to Advance CTE, they look forward to “continued conversations” of the modernization efforts, yet this is their rationale for deferred actions: 

Over the past month, we released a first draft of the proposed, revised Framework and received significant input from the field about the importance of the Framework, its value, and its ubiquity. In one survey alone, we received over 3,500 responses and over 10,000 individual comments. Through this modernization effort, we have collected a wealth of feedback and ideas for how we can better design and organize CTE over the last three years.  

At this time, we have decided to suspend the initiative to modernize the Framework and instead direct our efforts to leverage the input we received to guide the development of supports and resources that are forward-looking, focused on learner success and address existing limitations to the current Framework.1  

We will continue to keep you apprised of developments. 



  1. Advance CTE. (24 February 2022). “Career Clusters: Latest Update.” From

February 11, 2022 – News Update – “Preparing for National Career Clusters Framework Changes”

The benefit of using the National Career Clusters Framework is that occupations are grouped by shared education and training requirements, establishing a link between educational practices and careers.  NS4ed is apprised of the proposed revisions to the current National Career Clusters Framework and participates in discussions of the changes, the subsequent adoptions, and roll-out. NS4ed currently classifies career clusters across our Pathway2Careers Program (in our labor market tools, professional development for educators, career-connected math curricula, and guided career exploration program). We are poised to integrate adopted changes and will continue to offer a customized approach to labor market data analysis and career-connected learning.

As of February 11, 2022, Advance CTE has proposed moving from the current 16 career clusters to 12 clusters:

  1. Business Management & Public Administrations
  2. Construction & Built Environment
  3. Education
  4. Energy
  5. Food, Living Systems & Natural Resources
  6. Health, Wellbeing & Community Services
  7. Information Technology
  8. Manufacturing & Operations
  9. Media, Entertainment & Experiences
  10. Research & Analytics
  11. Security & Justice
  12. Transportation & Mobility.

More information on this evolving discussion is available through @cteworks YouTube channel and online at:

If you would like to provide feedback, Advance CTE is conducting a survey, which is open until Feb. 23, 2022. Visit the “Advancing the Framework: a State-Led Crowdsourcing Initiative to Modernize the National Career Cluster Framework” survey.

1. Advance CTE. (24 February 2022). “Career Clusters: Latest Update.” From 

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