NS4ed and Successful Practices Network Announce Strategic Partnership 

April 18, 2023 – Advancing technologies, such as ChatGPT, are moving the American workplace and society from the Information Technology Age to the Age of Artificial Intelligence. This transformation is causing a fundamental shift in the skills workers will need to be successful. To prepare students for success in this changing workplace will require a rethinking and then a reordering of our nation’s CTE programs. To assist districts in this needed transformation, NS4ed and the Successful Practices Network, which are two of the nation’s most respected organizations providing support to CTE, have joined hands in a partnership to provide districts with needed assistance.

NS4ed, under the leadership of Dr. Joseph Goins, is an educational technology provider dedicated to solving the biggest challenges in education. NS4ed helps learners and educators make daily connections between classroom activities and career pathways by answering the most asked question from learners: “When will I ever use this?” Successful Practices Network (SPN), under the leadership of Dr. Bill Daggett, works with PreK-12 educators to ensure that ALL students succeed in the present and in their future.

NS4ed and SPN each combine research capabilities and data analysis with practical but innovative experience in guiding school systems and the communities they serve toward success by design. This partnership allows both organizations to share their array of resources and services more efficiently with the schools and communities they serve by helping them:

  • Ensure their programs are future-focused and relevant to the real world.
  • Analyze and apply data effectively.
  • Link classroom learning with the skills, attributes, and dispositions needed for success in the new world of work.
  • Build a sustainable future that closes the achievement gap, improves performance, and enhances community collaboration.

In announcing the partnership, Dr. Daggett said, “We are pleased to partner with NS4ed to provide CTE and workforce development programs across the country a robust set of services and supports during this important period of transformation.”

For more information on the support and services available, please contact Dr. Joseph Goins at 865.414.0033.

About the Successful Practices Network: SPN was founded in 2003 by Dr. Bill Daggett and led by Ray McNulty, with an initial five-year grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Since our inception, we’ve won multiple additional grants that have allowed us to conduct proprietary research and create exclusive instructional and assessment tools that we then share broadly with our network. We’ve also had the rewarding opportunity to work one-on-one with educators at the state, district, and school levels, helping all craft a plan to improve student-centered learning as tailored to their unique school and student needs.

About Pathway2Careers: NS4ed is an educational research and development company dedicated to ensuring education remains relevant so learners fully engage. NS4ed’s mission is to clear the biggest hurdles in education by challenging current approaches and motivating student learning through career-connected relevance. This is achieved by delivering comprehensive career-connected learning solutions to states, schools, and districts, backed by industry-leading research and technical services that help to remove obstacles to implementation, narrowing the achievement gap. NS4ed invests in quality measures to ensure its innovative solutions provide exceptional student experience, comprehensive learning, and support best practices in teaching.

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