Engineering a Real-World Model of Career-Connected Learning

What is Career-Connected Learning?

According to Pathway2Careers founder and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Joseph L. Goins,  “learning, with the needs of the workforce, education becomes purposeful.” Igniting driven, motivated, purpose-filled learners to engage in their studies deeply is an important goal for career-connected learning.

Pathway2Careers advocates developing innovative, researched, and holistic career-connected learning programs. By analyzing and processing labor market data and sharing that sortable, easy-to-navigate, valuable information with our educators, students, and local communities, we can define and educate on high-value careers; forecast the direction of the labor market and changing American economy; connect educational programs to jobs (thus providing relevancy); connect education, industry, and community leaders; and support regional economies across the country.

Employing career-connected learning and redesigning coursework and curricula with a labor market data-informed career lens can make learning meaningful and bring real-life applications into classrooms across the country. The first step in engineering a real-world model of CCL is defining the concept –explaining what CCL is and what CCL is not.