Sample Labor Market Analysis Report

Address unmet needs, improve CTE programs, and maintain an adequately skilled workforce for your region. A labor market analysis report provides you with the resources and tools necessary to understand your current and future labor market profile.

How quickly can you identify the high-value career clusters and high-value occupations in your region?

Pathway2Careers creates custom labor market reports to support data-driven decision-making that produces positive outcomes for students. Receive relevant data for your Comprehensive Local Needs Assessments and align your CTE programs to the labor needs of the market.

Within the report, you will find the following:

  • District Overview: Understand your district demographic information and regional CTE statistics. Examine program alignment by reviewing how local students are preparing to meet labor market demands with existing CTE programs and enrollment data.
  • Industry Overview: Review the high-level sectors of businesses involved in the production of goods and services in the region. Regional labor market workforce data delivers a list of top employing industries and occupations representing the region’s workforce.
  • Career Cluster Analysis: This section includes details of top clusters and high-value occupations. Quickly identify high-value clusters and the occupations associated with them.

Download the Dyersburg City Schools Labor Market Report to discover the value of having high-value career information for your region at your fingertips.