P2C Curriculum Pilot Study

The Pathway2Careers™ curriculum focuses on the intersection of the workplace and education, preparing all students for successful, lifelong careers. By providing equal opportunities and access to all students, Pathway2Careers strives to close the performance gap and ensure equal opportunities for everyone. This curriculum was initially released for supplemental use in a pilot phase to teachers in New Mexico during the Spring of 2021. Surveys were conducted to capture initial use in the classroom and feedback regarding its benefits and weaknesses.

This survey intended to gain perspective on teacher opinions and feedback regarding the pilot curriculum. Due to the small number of responses, any data showing differences between the first and second surveys are only used to show a trend in the right direction and should not be interpreted as significant differences. Through the survey, we hoped to see teachers report improvements in math attitudes and performance amongst students. We also sought teachers’ feedback on the lessons and curriculum and any specific feedback, comments, or questions regarding the pilot program.

Teachers reported using the Pathway2Careers curriculum throughout various classes, including 6th, 7th, and 8th math, financial literacy, geometry, pre-algebra, algebra I, and algebra II. Seventy-one percent of teachers reported using the Pathway2Careers Algebra I curriculum, and 75% percent have used the Pathway2Careers Geometry curriculum. Ninety-five percent of respondents reported students were engaged and seemed to enjoy completing the Pathway2Careers math lessons. Ninety-six percent of teachers said the career content in the lessons to be interesting and engaging for students. Ninety-six percent of teachers reported the math content in the Pathway2Careers lessons to be grade-appropriate for students. Ninety-two percent of teachers reported the layout and design of the pilot lessons as appropriate for students.

Download the resource for the complete results.