Align Resources to Empower Career Readiness
The P2C Labor Market Navigator (LMN) delivers essential labor market data for your region and delivers trends to enable effective and informed decision-making for any educator.
Designed to take the complicated and make it easy, the LMN platform provides essential insights into high-value careers and job market trends at a regional level, allowing educators to fine-tune their resources and seamlessly partner with workforce boards to meet the needs of their students and community.
P2C Labor Market Navigator Features

Explore Your Area
Gain a common understanding of the labor market data within the primary workforce region of a school district.
- The data includes demographics and statistics depicting the population: gender, age, and education level. Labor shed information shows locations and distances people in the area travel for work.
- A table ranking the 16 career clusters by annual openings, median wages, and projected growth is also presented. This table is sortable and exportable to Excel for further analysis.

Career Clusters
Labor market information is organized around the National Career Clusters® Framework. Using the Framework classification system commonly used by school and state agencies, P2C can identify high-value careers by industry-validated knowledge and skills students need to succeed in a chosen field.
- The benefit of exploring labor market information in the context of career clusters is that occupations are grouped based on shared educational and training requirements.
- Understanding career clusters provides a more direct link between educational practices and careers.
- The dashboard offers intuitive and practical functions that efficiently filter and sort information.
- These functions give the freedom to mold searches around key focus areas and questions of interest.

Equity Data
To help educators explore if their students have equitable access for their future, P2C includes equity data to identify the racial and gender disparities in different industries. In pursuit of fostering equitable opportunities for student’s future success, the integrated equity data can aid educators in assessing access to resources across various industries. With equity data in hand from the Labor Market Navigator, educators can help foster an environment that offers equitable access and outcomes for all students.

Dashboard Reporting
The P2C LMN generates clear, concise, and well-organized reports that can be easily shared and incorporated into documents, such as grants and proposals. The system expedites reporting by instantly arranging information in a printable, relatable, easy-to-understand, and visually appealing format.
- Perkins V – Data contained in this report can be included with the local needs assessment as justification for programs of study.
- Career Cluster Tables – This report provides insight into market demand and wages for occupations within a particular career field.
- District Overview – The overview presents data related to district size, demographics, work travel patterns, and top career clusters.
- Career Cluster Maps – The P2C maps provide an overview of regional high-demand occupations associated with various job zones (e.g. levels of education and training). These maps assist educators and students in developing awareness of entry and exit points within a particular career field.
- CTE Gap Analysis – Career Technical Education programs are designed to provide students with the skills needed to serve as a talent pipeline for the labor market of their region. The newest feature of the P2C LMN is a CTE Gap Analysis that compares the annual openings of the area with the school district’s CTE completion data to determine if the programs are accurately meeting the needs of the population they are designed to serve.
Labor Market Analysis Report
Quickly analyze workforce trends with the labor market analysis report. The report defines the regional demographic, labor market, and industry trends and serves as a complement to the Labor Market Navigator.
- Decision-makers receive valuable information to ensure data is used to surface unmet needs and improve Career and Technical Education and workforce programs that adequately address local workforce needs.
- Using labor market information allows regions and communities to bridge the skills gap between the supply and demand for skilled workers.
- By analyzing current and future labor market data for a region, leaders can answer critical questions that support decision-making and result in positive outcomes for their students.
Career Pathway Maps
Engage learners early in the career planning process with career pathway maps. The maps demonstrate the multiple entry and exit points within a particular career and the education/training requirements needed to prepare for the occupation.
- Designed to be simple and efficient, ensuring learners have the necessary resources for success.
- Each map identifies the most viable career opportunities and associated labor market data within a career cluster across education levels, from high school diplomas to advanced degrees.
- Educators can use maps to support current CTE and workforce training offerings and programs available within the region.
- Associated career clusters and pathways are identified and mapped to include regional career opportunities (i.e. exit points) at various levels of education.
- A detailed education plan outlines pathway-specific courses at the secondary level, with postsecondary programs listed.
Your Journey. Our Commitment.

The P2C Customer Success team is dedicated to ensuring your P2C Labor Market Navigator is successful by using a best-in-class implementation model consisting of four phases—Plan, Instruct, Coach, and Evaluate. Customer engagement events within each phase heightens the level of internal and external customer ownership and accountability.
Whether you choose multi-day in person training during Professional Development days, or a virtual experience, our tailored implementation plans align with your schedule and goals.
P2C Customer Success Team
Our P2C consultants are former education administrators, classroom teachers, and career-connected learning experts with advanced degrees and certifications equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to lead educators in increasing their impact on student learning. This dynamic team of industry experts possess both the pedagogical knowledge and “real-world” experience to facilitate orientation, training, and professional development that is research-informed, relevant, relatable, and actionable.